Agreement of Collaboration and cooperation Reached between North Japan Research Institute for Sustainable Energy (NJRISE) and Mutsu City


The North Japan Research Institute for Sustainable Energy (NJRISE) and Mutsu City signed an agreement for mutual collaboration and cooperation governing resources surveys and resource development in the field of renewable energy. This comprehensive partnership, instituted on March 27, 2014, will contribute to mutual development in the renewable energy industry.

At the signing ceremony, held in Mutsu City, representatives from Mutsu City, Mayor Miyashita, Deputy Mayor, Araya and Superintendent of Schools Tohsima attended, along with Hirosaki University representatives, President Sato, Vice President Ohkawara, Director of Community Relations and Vice President, Muraoka, Director of The North Japan research Institute for Sustainable Energy. Mayor Miyashita, on behalf of Mutsu City and Director Muraoka, on behalf of The North Japan Research Institute for Sustainable Energy, were the signatories on the agreement. They also exchanged protocol for geothermal development, which they plan to develop first.

Upon signing, Mayor Miyashita stated “I expect that the community of Mutsu City will reach its great potential through the development of renewable energy here”. In his speech, Director Muraoka said, “I intend to promote and expand renewable energy development with the notion that this will contribute to nurturing the local industries that will work with geothermal resources development in Hiuchidake.

President Sato also spoke, saying “We deeply appreciate seeing this agreement come to fruition and believe that we will see a cooperative relationship between Mutsu city and the Shimokita area that is even stronger than before.

Various collaborations between Mutsu City and the Shimokita area have been forged in the past. We expect to work together, increasingly, in various endeavors in the future, including renewable energy.

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At the signing ceremoney