Hirosaki University Volunteer Center (HUVC) Activity Report and Research Report Session Held on “Considering Regional Reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake”


The University Volunteer Center (HUVC) held sessions on Monday, March.10, 2014. The topic was “Considering regional reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake.”-Hirosaki University Volunteer Center (HUVC) held a meeting to report on both activities and research, (hereinafter called “the activities and research report meeting”- which was co-hosted by Hirosaki City and the University Cultural Exchange Hall (Hirosaki shiminkoryukan ho-ru).

The activities and research report meeting consisted of two parts. Approximately 100 Hirosaki city residents, along with those involved in government administrations or affiliated with the university, attended the entire session.

The first part was the research report meeting regarding disaster recovery in Japan, America, Indonesia and China. The themes that were covered included the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Research for the Reconstruction Plan that Consider from the Great East Japan Earthquake” (JSPS Research Award 24243056, Researcher Young-Jun LEE) and support from the 2013 Humanities Department Strategic Grant for “Looking at community recovery from actual precedence – questioning each nation’s disaster response mechanisms.”

Individual reports elucidated the valuable knowlwdge gained from disaster recovery studies from past events and how they shows us the importance of making the lives of those affected priority, improving the restoration speed, and focusing on the local revitalization process.

The second part was the Unversity Volunteer?Center?(HUVC), activities report meeting . Hirosaki City Mayor Kasai was the guest speaker, and a video message from ODA?Yuto, Noda Village Mayor from Iwate prefecture was shown after the opening remarks were delivered by President Sato from Hirosaki University.

The keynote address followed, the theme of which was “Re-considering disaster recovery”, delivered by invited speaker, NAKABAYASHI Kazuki, special prefessor at Meiji University.

Also, for the Noda Village activities report, Professor KAWAMURA Nobuaki, Hachinohe Technical High School, who is a member of “Team North Rias” and working on reconstruction and exchange activities in Noda Village, Iwate prefecture, presented a case in which charrette workshop was introduced. A film was shown and some information was presented about Hirosaki University students participating regularly in reconstruction and exchange activities through Hirosaki University Volunteer Center (HUVC). Also,Hirosaki residents presented an activities report detailing the support and exchange activities conducted by “Team All Hirosaki” in 2013.

Noda Village reconstruction and exchange activities by Team All Hirosaki are ongoing and continue in 2014.

Visit the website below to discover HUVC activities !!

Invited speaker NAKABAYASHI Kazuki
Hirosaki University students introduce the activity report