Special Lecture Given by Two Invited Speakers from The University of Maine, School of Marine Sciences


On January 7th, (Wed.), 2015, two invited speakers, Haley Viehman and Dr. Gayle Zydlewski from The University of Maine, School of Marine Sciences, which is one of partner institutions of Hirosaki University, gave a special lecture, the theme of which was “A unique approach to developing alternative energy from the ocean”, to share their pilot model on the initial tidal power development in U.S., at Hakkoda hall in Collabo HiroDai.

Tidal power is becoming a large part of solutions in many renewables to solve the global need for energy to coastal communities in the world including Aomori. However, there are some challenges, such as enviromental effects and social acceptance, that prevent from successful tidal power development.
They introduced their original approach that they tried at Cobscook Bay, Maine, that is “Bottom-up”, that involving all skateholders early in the project.

Hirosaki University started to research tidal current power generation in Tsugaru Straits on September, 2002 and established North Japan Research Institute for Sustainable Energy (NJRISE) on October, 2010, for R&D and Education on unique renewable energy systems in cold regions including biomass, geothermal and tidal power and for a vitalization of local communities.
Recently, NJRISE measured current velocities at the northern part of the Tsugaru peninsula with Aomori prefecture, to find a better?solution for tidal power development in Aomori

NJRISE, Hirosaki University
TEL: +81-17-735-3363
FAX: +81-17-735-5411
Email: njne@hirosaki-u.ac.jp

Ms. Haley Viehman
Careful listeners
Dr. Gayle Zydlewski
Qs and As session