Dr. Yusuf Ozturk, San Diego State University (USA), Gave Special Lecture


Guest Speaker Dr. Yusurf Ozturk
Guest Speaker, Dr. Yusurf Ozturk
The Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Hirosaki University?has invited Dr. Yusuf Ozturk, to give two lectures on January 20 and 21, 2015, on Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) and Cyber Security, respectively.

Dr. Yusuf Ozturk is a professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at San Diego State University*. He is the director of an Embedded Computing and Communications research group. He is also a member of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Engineering Research Center on Sensorimotor Neural Engineering.

The?lectures were informative and well delivered. The lecture room was full of students and faculty members. Our students listened with enthusiasm?to his enlightening lecture on recent advances in wearable and implantable brain/muscle computer interface design specifications and requirements. During the question and answer session, students asked him some pertinent questions and he responded to each very clearly.

*San Diego State University (USA) is one of the partner institutions of Hirosaki University.