“Hirosaki University SHIRAKAMI Yeast” Found at the Shirakami Mountains including the Natural Heritage Site Registered a Trademark for Branding

“SHIRAKAMI Yeast Research Group” (Leader: KUSHIBIKI Toshisada, President of Kanesho Co., Ltd.), that is a jointly research organization by industry, academic, and government, registered a trademark on “SHIRAKAMI Yeast” and unveiled its logo at the second meeting in 2014 held at Hotel New Castel in Hirosaki, on January 28th, (Wed.), 2015.
Some products that use the yeast including vinegar and cider have been sold.
At the meeting, Associate Professor TONOUCHI Akio, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Science, Hirosaki University introduced some new yeast of 13 strains that had been collected at the Shirakami Mountains including the World Natural Heritage Site in 2014, may have high ethanol resistance in brewing to Sake and indicated to breed an effective yeast to brew Sake or/and Wine and to make bread in the future.
To find more about SHIRAKAMI Yeast, visit at http://shirakami-microbe.hirosaki-u.ac.jp/?(Japanese)