Hirosaki University “Glo-cal” Talents Development Project: Research Results Presentation Held
The research results presentation of Hirosaki University “Glo-cal*” Talents Development Project was held for the first time at the Hirosaki Cultural Exchange Hall, on the 4th floor, HIRORO (Ekimae-cho, Hirosaki), on February 23rd (Mon.), 2015.
The project aims at fostering the local talents including Hirosaki University students and the residents as the “Glo-cal” one who is capable of handling issues raised in the community from a global perspective, sponsored by “The Academic City Hirosaki “Mirai” (for the future) Foundation”, that consists of the tripartite community collaboration between Hirosaki University, Hirosaki City, and Hirosaki Chamber of Commerce and Industry established in August, 2014.
In the presentation, five research results, including latest developments of medical systems in the U.S and investigation of geothrmal utilization in Iceland, were delivered.
*Glo-cal: combination of global and local
【The Academic City Hirosaki “Mirai” (for the future) Foundation】
This organization will give support to businesses promoting the “Glo-cal talents” in the community, such as overseas training for Hirosaki University students and/or the residents and promotion of globalization at Hirosaki University, until 2018.