
Aomori High School Students Presented Science Research Challenge at Hirosaki University


On December 6 (Sat.), 2014, Aomori high school students presented science research?challenge at Center Faculty of Science and Technology Building No.1 ... more

[Jan.25] The Society for the Study of Aomori Prefecture Folklore ? Hirosaki University Innovative Regional Research Center Open Symposium “Let’s Observe a Traditional Folk Event of the Tsugaru “NANOKADO Festival”


We are very pleased to announce that The Society for the Study of Aomori Prefecture Folklore ? Hirosaki University Innovative Regional Research Center ... more

[Award] Two senior students, Ms. NIIOKA Naoko and Mr. Rosely Karel in the Department of Electronics and Information Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology, received the Encouragement Prize for Student at IEEE Sendai Section


On December 5, 2014, two senior students, Ms. NIIOKA Naoko and Mr. Rosely Karel, in the Department of Electronics and Information Technology, Faculty ... more

[Jan.25] Hirosaki University Food Education Symposium


We are going to host the symposium on food education which is opened to the public. The dietary life in Aomori Prefecture will be reviewed and the dis ... more

[Research] Associate Professor TONOUCHI Akio, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Science Discovered Mukitake (an Edible Mushroom, called Olive Oysterling in English, Scientific Name: Sarcomyxa Serotina) Includes Two different Species


Have you ever heard about "MUKITAKE"?, which is a very popular mushroom that has a watery-smooth texture. It has become well known among experienced m ... more

[Award] Professor SATO Hiroyuki and Associate Professor FUMOTO Koji, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Received 2014 Good Design Award


Japanese Institute of Design Promotion (JDP) granted 2014 Good Design Award to "Shunt resistor", that was developed jointly by Kamitex Coporation and ... more

The Institute for Food Sciences Concluded Agreement on Farm-raised Salmon Experimental Project in Fukaura Town


On Dec. 15 (Mon), 2014, The Institute for Food Sciences, Hirosaki University, Fukaura town, and Okamura Foods Co., Ltd. signed an agreement for mutual ... more

[Award] Associate Professor ISHITSUKA Satoshi, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Science, Received Encouragement Award


Associate Professor ISHITSUKA Satoshi, in the Department of Agriculture and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Science, Hirosaki University ... more

[Award] Assistant Professor KATO Chihiro, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Science Received Paper Award


On Oct. 25, 2014, at Miyagi University (Miyagi prefecture), Assistant Professor KATO Chihiro, in the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engi ... more

[Award] “The 67th TO-O Award,” 2014 Granted to the PG Refining Technology Development Group


On Dec. 6, 2014, Hirosaki University received the "TO-O Award" as part of a PG* Refining Technology Development Group, along with joint venture partne ... more